You can create your own search engine for free

Each author can search manually selected sites for indexing, so the results do not contain the SERPs “spam” and other debris, which greatly sinned conventional search engines.

Furthermore, designed for joint work of several authors – thanks to the distribution of rights creating a search engine can be addressed collectively.

Also at the disposal of users traditional elements of modern service: blogs, means of communication with colleagues, the system publish their own articles, and much more. actively developed – the project has already registered more than 3,700 authors who have created more than 2,000 of its own search engine for movies, books, blogs, and numerous other topics.

Because now users have at their disposal the whole 5 gigabytes of disk space, the creation of high-quality thematic search engines has become simple occupation.

Today has no analogues developed in the CIS market. The main competitor of the Russian product can be considered Google Co-op , offering a similar solution.

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